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Market Lambs 100-110 lbs.

Class number:  149        Class Date:  6/26/10

Judge:   Del Petersen & Clemente Ayon


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: 1412, dustydivider

15-18: CrazySuey, shae15

Over 18: dc05, js, Ladyshrops2, Lucy, megan9, sheepherder#007, tf1104, tiler


Official Placing: 2, 1, 4, 3
5, 2, 2

We placed the class 2, 1, 4, 3. 

First Place:  2

Entry number: 635



Starting with the heaviest structured, best ribbed, most rugged appearing lamb that best combines muscle thickness.  When compared to the ideal, he could be smoother shouldered and leveler hipped.

Nonetheless, we liked the Hampshire appearing wether over the only ewe lamb in the class, as he is heavier boned, smoother shouldered and is more parallel in his lines being deeper through his rear rib and flank giving him a more balanced look.  He too appears to have a thicker top and is more dimensional through his upper hip.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 623

Exhibitor: 1crazykid


Sheep name/number: Aggie

Breed: Suffolk X

Website: TX



Granted the ewe lamb is a touch straighter behind her shoulder, yet we got critical of her has she is finer boned, higher in her rear flank and steep in her hip.

Despite these criticisms, we chose 1 over 4 in our middle pair.  1 is the taller fronted straighter lined ewe lamb that appears to have a better set to her hock.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 703



We do see 4 as having some depth to his twist, but in his side view picture is too low fronted, wavy in his top and over stretched to really appreciate his style.

In our bottom pair we felt 4 had the advantage in growth being longer through his neck and from flank to flank. He too has more muscle shape, being more expressive through his top and through his leg.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 700



We admit 3 is leveler when viewed from the side, but faulted him and placed him last as he is short fronted, low set, plain in his muscle shape and wrinkled in his hide.

Therefore we placed the class 2, 1, 4, 3 with cuts of 5, 2, 2.


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