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Natural Color Ewe Lambs 2-4 months

Class number:  154        Class Date:  7/31/10

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: bubbadude

15-18: farmtown8kid

Over 18: classic1112


Official Placing: 1, 4, 2, 3
Cuts: 3, 1, 1

First, I would like to say each one of these four ewe lambs, bred to a ram that will complement them, can make good, functional brood ewes.  Also, as in any class, personal opinion and personal likes enter into my placing of the class.

The problem ewe lamb of the class for me is ewe 3. The other three lambs are more similar in type and frame size.  To be consistent in placing and without splitting type, 3 either has to go to the top of the class or the bottom.  Either way, it's not a reflection to her body type or quality. I see her at the bottom of the class, and, if I express my reasons correctly, hopefully, it will make sense.  If any of you see her placing differently, I can certainly underestand.

First Place:  1

Entry number: 654

Exhibitor: sheepherder#007

State: OK

Sheep name/number: 455

Breed: Suffolk

Website: www.coleclublambs.com



In starting the class with ewe lamb 1, I went with the type of sheep I perfer and one I believe the industry perfers at this time.  1 may  have a little too much depth of shoulder for some and I would like to tuck her up just a little in her depth.   She may be a little too round at the points and I would like to see her a little less round, but too me she is the most complete, balanced ewe lamb of the class.  She also stands on excellent feet and bone.

When viewed from the rear she overwhelms the other three ewe lambs of the class .  She blends in excellent at the shoulder and is wide and flat over the rack and loin.  She is wide and square through the dock and wide at the pins.  She is deep in the twist with tremendous inner and outer leg (stifle) muscle.  She might be a little too round in her muscle design, however, she exhibits true power.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 714

Exhibitor: shootingstar

State: TX

Sheep name/number: #0119 ewe

Breed: Hampshire X

Website: www.starshowlambs.com



There is a pretty wide margin in body type between the middle pair, 2 and 4.  I chose to place the classier lamb of the two, 4, second in the class. She is very balanced in both top and bottom lines with excellent neck placement.  She is long and level in her hip.  She is probably the youngest lamb of the class, however, she is certainly going to be medium to medium plus in frame. I would appreciate her more with added bone.

She is moderate in depth of twist, however she has flare to the leg muscle. I would like to see evidence of more width and flatness over her rack and loin.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 661



In placing 2 third and over 3, I personally like 3 more than 2, however, I'm staying with body type and 2 more closely fits the body type of my top pair.

With 2 having a moderate to short neck, it sure makes her look short sided.  She also has a little more depth of front than I perfer.  However, in viewing  2 from the rear she appears long bodied.  She has good depth of twist, but she also appears flat through her outer leg muscle.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 696

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 224

Breed: Suffolk/Hampshire

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



I fully realize some of you may start the class with 3 and I will admit, I was tempted to.  She is easily the tallest, longest, largest framed lamb of the class. She is long and level in her top and bottom lines with a long level hip.  She is extremely correct in her front and has proper rib shape.  Being a power judge, I fault her in lack of depth of twist, flatness through the stifle and lacking in the lower third.  With that said, if she is bred to a medium framed structurally correct power ram, she could produce the premium lambs of the four ewe lambs of the class.

Again, I placed the class 1, 4, 2, 3 with cuts of 3, 1, 1.


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