Class number: 179
Class Date: 3/5/11
Judge: Vance Christie
Judging Contest Winners:
Under 15: witt114
15-18: shae15, animalluv34, danigirl
Over 18: ESheepFarms, h3lambs, woolpuller
Official Placing: 1, 3, 2, 4
Cuts: 2, 2, 4
Let me first state that this class is difficult to evaluate due to the differences in rear shot angles, and if you have not evaluated large numbers of sheep to read some maturity and shape to the topside of a couple these lambs, you may have more trouble than usual getting these sorted.
With that out front, I am going to place them 1, 3, 2, 4 with cuts of 2, 2, 4.
First Place: 1
Entry number: 733
Exhibitor: TheDad1
State: MN
name/number: DCL 003
Breed: Crossbred
1 is simply the best balanced, most eye appealing lamb in class and appears to be the best combination of muscle and trimness in a more youthful package than the remaining trio. Ideally the class winner could be longer sided and more elevated in her dock. Still the ewe lamb is fresher appearing, more uniform in her finish and smoother down her top line than 3. In addition she is more elevated through the floor of her chest and cleaner about her breast plate. Most importantly, she is more ideal in her rib design and appears to have more side-view shape to her center leg.
Second Place: 3
Entry number: 781
Exhibitor: smithlivestocktx
State: TX
Breed: finewool X
The finewool cross ewe lamb is extremely thick when viewed in this rear photo. However her profile picture causes me to question the amount of true muscle she has vs. extra condition as she is deep and mature about her chest floor and appears uneven down her top line. Still in a middle pair of more mature appearing lambs, one cannot overlook the depth of twist, width of stifle and added lower inside leg she possesses from the rear view. To complement this she is a longer loined, higher % hindsaddled lamb that will simply hang more pounds of retail cuts than 2.
Third Place: 2
Entry number: 751
Sure 2 is leveler out of his dock, and we get a better view of his top, but if you really study him, he is deeper from the top of his shoulder to the floor of his chest, ties his neck lower into the top of his shoulder, and appears staler in his composition than the two that edge him in this class.
Still he has distinct advantages over the partially shorn thicker hided 4. 2 is a better designed more shapely wether that appears to have more muscle draped over all aspects of his skeleton.
Fourth Place: 4
Entry number: 786
4 is long sided, upfronted and shows a great deal of side view shape to his leg. Unfortunately he is overstretched in his profile picture causing him to fall apart at his loin, appear deeper fronted than he really is, and does not show any evidence of extra muscle over his rack, loin or leg in the rear photo.