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Ewe Lambs 5-11 months

Class number:  189        Class Date:  5/21/11

Judge:   Vance Christie


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: bubbadude, chickenandsheepgirl

15-18: txsheepraiser, danigirl

Over 18: woolpuller

Note: This class is set up to demonstrate what a buyer might find when looking at lambs from a single breeder.  Therefore, all of the lambs are presented by sheepherder007 of Oklahoma.


Official Placing: 1, 3, 2, 4
2, 2, 4

I place the ewe lambs 1, 3, 2, 4 with cuts of 2, 2, 4.

The most difficult decision in this class is what to do with 2, as she is very clubby in her type and design, unfortunately she lacks the broody maternal look and turn to her lower rib that the two that place ahead of her possess.

First Place:  1

Entry number: 792

Exhibitor: sheepherder007

State: OK

Sheep name/number: 2333

Breed: crossbred

Website: www.coleclublambs.com



1 is easily the highest volume, most maternal appearing ewe that is also the thickest of the class.  No, she is not the shaggiest legged, and gets a little easy down her topline, however this can be credited to her being the farthest along in her current stage of production.  In comparison to 3 in a close top pair that are very similar from the profile, she is wider down her top, fuller through her stifle and stands wider and squarer at her hock.  Most importantly, it is her wider, thicker, stouter hip and the fact that she is more pulled apart in her pin set that makes her the most valuable breeding piece in the class.


Second Place:  3

Entry number: 794

Exhibitor: sheepherder007

State: OK

Sheep name/number: 2345

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.coleclublambs.com



Sure, 3 is neater about her shoulder, longer necked and slightly straighter down her top on the profile, however she lacks the width and thickness of the class winner so she is second. 

Still, she better follows the pattern of 1 in a pair that is hard for me to separate, and in comparison to 2 has a more maternal look.  3 is deeper ribbed and fuller in her flank than 2, smoother at the point of her shoulder and comparable in her skeletal width and thickness.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 793
Exhibitor: sheepherder007
State: OK
Sheep name/number: 422
Breed: Suffolk



Several will prefer the club lamb look and definite muscle shape and advantage of firmness in 2.  Yet in reality, she is tigher ribbed, pinches in her heart and is tucked up more in her flank leading me to believe she would be harder doing and less productive in a production scenario. 

Still she is a higher quality better balanced ewe lamb than 4 in the bottom pair.  As a bonus she is much more correct on her feet and legs as she is more correct in the angle of her shoulder, flatter out of her dock and comes more correct from her hock to the ground.


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number: 797
Exhibitor: sheepherder007
State: OK
Sheep name/number: Bethany
Breed: Shropshire



4 is a long sided ewe that is parallel in her lines. Unfortunately, she is the poorest balanced, least structurally correct in class.  She is also the heaviest conditioned which masks some of her flaws making her appear to be leveler down her top and out of her hip than she really is, and wider and thicker than her skeleton truly indicates.  Her being as sickle hocked as she is also indicates that she should drop more in her dock on the move than her three contemporaries.


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