Official Placing: 1, 4, 2, 3
Cuts: 3, 2, 5
At first glance there are three lambs in this class that appear worthy of moving to the top of the class, lamb 1,2, and 4. These are the lambs in the class that you should spend your time concentrating on comparing their individual strengths and weaknesses. When you do this they should sort themselves out for you. After this consideration I see the class placing 1, 4, 2, 3 with cuts of 3, 2, 5. Now, the reasons behind the placing.
First Place: 1
Entry number: 916
Exhibitor: lm1668
State: OH
Breed: cross
Website: |
I see lamb 1 rising to the top of the class in a rather easy placing, especially after comparing him to the other three lambs in the class, especially comparing him to 4 and 2.
When viewed from the profile I’m impressed with the long muscular neck set squarely on top of the shoulder. I sure would not want him any deeper in the chest, however, when comparing him from the top of shoulder to top of fore flank or chest floor with the top of the hip/loin juncture to the top of the rear flank he is really balanced. He might be a little round at the points but that goes with his muscle type and skeletal structure. He is both long and level in his top line, starting with the long rack, loin, and hip. He is correct in his rib shape and full in his rear flank. His massive forearm would suggest a large, wide rack and loin and his dimension of bone is the type that I prefer. He’s not too heavy of bone, but, certainly not light boned either. Too me he not only wins the class when comparing profile, but, the rear view as well.
From the rear, starting at the base of neck and travelling toward the dock, I see a wide flat rack that extends to a wide flat loin that leads to a wide long hip...all very positive traits. Now, at the hip I notice a wide and square dock with a very deep twist with the neat separation of each leg. When any market animal is flat across the bottom of the twist that is when you will find a market animal carrying an excess amount of finish. This lamb is really expressive in the shape and dimension of the lower leg. He’s just a really good market lamb that should place well at any show regardless of the competition.
Second Place: 4
Entry number: 941
Exhibitor: thadlo
name/number: #1
Breed: Hampshire X
Now, to the middle pair, 4 and 2. At first glance 4 appears short sided in comparison to 2. However,when viewed from the rear, I do not see the shortness of side, but, I do see a lamb more correct in his muscle shape, therefore, 4 will place second in the class. From the profile 4 has the long neck correctly placed that I desire because because length of neck is a direct correlation to length of rack and hind saddle. For a power lamb he is clean at the points and he is really balanced with correct rib shape and fullness of rear flank. He is level in his top line.
When viewed from the rear you have to appreciate this lamb for the way the neck ties in to the top of the shoulder and how the shoulder blends in smoothly with a wide rack and loin that connects to a long wide hip. He is about as wide and square at the pins as you will find with tremendous depth of twist and has a massive muscular leg. He stands on correctly placed feet and legs with average bone dimension which will lend favorably to a high dressing percent.
Third Place: 2
Entry number: 928
Exhibitor: 1CrazyAnimalKid
State: TX
Sheep name/number: Flash
Breed: Medium Wool
Lamb 3 is a lamb that is long and level in his top line, but, from the side he is a little to deep in the shoulder, but, not so much that I can still call him balanced on the profile. He is a little round at the points, but, still acceptable. I would call his neck length moderate, but, when viewed from the rear he looks plenty long in his rack and hind saddle. Although this lamb appears to pop an impressive top muscle he does look to slope at his loin edge. This lamb has a tremendous leg, however, nothing square about the hip which is too round in muscle shape. Now, going back to the side view, compare his forearm muscle with the two lambs placing ahead of him in the class and you can see there is no comparison. I do not believe he stands incorrect in his feet and legs I just believe his rear legs are spread too far apart giving him this appearance. I would appreciate a little more dimension of bone.
Fourth Place: 3
Entry number: 936
Now, to the Dorset that places at the bottom of the class. When viewed from the side he is too heavy fronted , especially when comparing this area to the hip/loin juncture to the top of the rear flank. He is completely opposite to how a properly shaped lamb should be balanced. He is extremely clean at the points, however, not much evidence of forearm muscle and too fine bone for my liking. He does have adequate rib shape, however, he cuts up too high in the rear flank and he is short hipped with some slope to the hip. When viewed from the rear he appears narrow over the rack and loin with the loin edge set too low. He is narrow at the pins with average depth of twist and pretty devoid of muscle in the lower third. I believe he falls into the fourth spot rather easily.
Again, I placed the class 1, 4, 2, 3 with cuts of 3, 2, 5.
Questions and comments concerning the placing of the class are welcomed... OG