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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 80-89 lbs.

Class number:  231        Class Date:  6/23/12

Judge:   Vance Christie


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Timmy32

15-18: kmoen, srffasheepgal, Bubbadude3, shae15, laurenelaine59, taylor_loves_sheep

Over 18: TD515


Official Placing: 3-1-2-4
Cuts: 2-2-6

I like the market lambs 3-1-2-4 with cuts of 2-2-6, and must state that the top 3 all have attibutes that could easily make them the class winner under different priorities. If this was a market and not prospect class, in my opinion 2 would have to start.

First Place:  3

Entry number: 998

Exhibitor: heresheep

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 633

Breed: Hampshire X

Website: www.threesisterssheep.com



The ewe lamb is simply the best designed in the class. Ideally the class winner could be slightly smoother at the point of her shoulders and a little fuller through the lower third of her leg. However with these faults aside, she is the most correct in her rib design, being shallower chested and progressively getting wider and deeper from front to rear. In additon, she is more elevated and square appearing over her rack, and leveler and square out of her upper dock, and I feel would appeal to a broader spectrum of judges as she matures out.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 834

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 244

Breed: Hamp X

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



1 is equally as wide and stout as the ewe lamb, however I would like to change him out of his hip as he rolls slightly and gets narrower at his pins, and consequently does not stand as square or correct as the class winner. Still he is the logical lamb to follow with as he most closely fits the pattern of 3, being widers based and stouter constructed than 2. He comes out of his shoulder with more width and dimension of rack and loin, is bigger boned and rounder in his ribcage and in the end should be a wider, thicker lamb that is more right for the times.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 880



Some may prefer the added firmness and shape of 2. However, the longer I study him, he is truely the narrowest made, frailest designed of the top 3. Yet in an easier bottom pair to sort, he is much more shapely down his top, more expressive through all aspects of his leg, and tremendously long hindsaddled and hipped. He is much more of a product and carcass driven sheep that will better fit the showring and rail alike at his terminal endpoint.



Fourth Place:  4

Entry number: 1030



The southdown is long spined and clean fronted, unfortunately he is the greenest in his condition making him more rough in his appearance and angular down his top. This, in conjunction with being the lightest muscled and plainest apprearing, I am confident that he would have to make the biggest adjustment in order to be a successful as the top three in the majority of showrings.


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