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Market Lambs 121-130 lbs.

Class number:  235        Class Date:  7/28/12

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: dm1668

15-18: lambboy

Over 18: PeteM, Woolpuller, ewemama1, smithlivestocktx


Official Placing: 1-3-2-4
Cuts: 4-3-5

First Place:  1

Entry number: 952

Exhibitor: Lambboy

State: UT

Sheep name/number: Tag 134

Breed: Suffolk/Hampshire



I chose to start the class with 1 as she is the best balanced, heaviest muscled sheep in the class. This ewe appears to combine the proper kind of muscle with the correct amount of condition. She is heavy enough structured, yet offers some eye appeal and correctness of skeleton when on the profile. From the rear, she overpowers the class in width down her top and expression in her leg and stifle. I would like to change her rear legs by seeing more squareness from hip to hock to ground.


Second Place:  3

Entry number: 1029

Exhibitor: Jakerischardson

State: CA

Breed: Suffolk



3 is the lamb that most closely follows the body type of the class winner. He is a heavy structured lamb that is straight in his lines and appears to be powerful enough in his muscle. Comparing him to our winner, I see him being shorter in his overall body length and length of hindsaddle, and a bit deeper and bolder about his chest and shoulder. Still, he offers more balance and skeletal correctness than the bottom pair.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 985



The 2 wether is a bigger scaled lamb that has a taller fronted, more extended look than the top pair. He is a tight hided lamb that appears to be fresh conditioned. From the side, he needs to be more proportional in his depth from chest to flank. He is also rounder in his rump shape than the two higher placing lambs. From behind, he has good width and expression down his top but needs to be fuller through his rump, leg, and stifle.


Fourth Place:  4

Entry number: 1037



4 is another tight skinned lamb that looks like he would have a tremendous touch. He is expressive in his muscle pattern and extended fronted. To move up in placing today, he needs to be leveler designed from the profile and shallower and smoother in the chest and shoulder areas. His bonework needs to be stouter to be more proportional to the body and muscle he has.


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