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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 90-99 lbs.

Class number:  254        Class Date:  12/18/12

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Jakerichardson

15-18: kfaulk

Over 18: EmsoffLambs, shadowran, tripjsheep, gonefishin1, redroper, af32198, bmc1026, ns, westtxsheep, califmom, Legacy


Official Placing: 4-1-2-3
Cuts: 2-4-1

This class easily becomes a two pair class, 4 and 1 at the top and 2 and 3 at the bottom. I see the class placing 4-1-2-3 with cuts of 2-4-1.

First Place:  4

Entry number: 1092

Exhibitor: SnarkieArkie

State: AR

Sheep name/number: 1248

Breed: Cross

Website: www.cgfarms.homestead.com



To me, 4 wins the class and over 1 because of his superior design and power. Starting with the profile I like the long neck squarely placed. I appreciate the style and balance of this sheep, the clean points, the slightly tucked up front, the long level top granting a slight slope from hooks to pins, however, the dimensional length of rack, loin, and hip is sure in place, Great rib shape, fullness of rear flank, and superior width of chest floor.

From the rear he is both wide and flat over the rack and loin, square and wide at the dock and pins with superior twist depth and tremendous inside muscle as well as dimension through the stifle. He stands great on his feet and legs ...just a great overall prospect.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 1033

Exhibitor: Jakerichardson

State: CA

Breed: Hampshire



2 is an easy second in this class. I like him a lot posed on the blocking stand and would appreciate him even more if he was set up with 4 on the floor. He is a beautiful profiling lamb that has the most appealing front of any lamb in the class. He has the long neck, and I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt about placement as he appears to be off in neck placement just a little. He has tremendous length of rack, loin, hip that is extremely level. Good rib shape,flank fullness and clean at the points.

From the rear he does he does not appear to be as wide over the rack and loin as the first place lamb, 4. He is square at the dock, deep in the twist with proper muscle in the lower third. He stands on ample bone, feet and legs...a great prospect.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 1072
Exhibitor: Sheepsnpygs
State: OH
Sheep name/number: Sanford
Breed: Natural



The bottom pair, 2 and 3 feature entirely different lambs in type and style. Because of his overall thickness I placed 2 third in the class even though he is sure weak in the pasterns. From the profile he has the long neck squarely placed, is really balanced, with a long level rack, loin, and hip and he’s clean at the points. He has correct rib shape, and fullness in the rear flank.

From the rear he is as wide and flat over the loin as second place lamb, number 1, however, he is moderate in depth of twist and I would like to see his muscle in the lower third be more pronounced.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1085



I placed 3 at the bottom of the class realizing 3 is the greenest lamb in the class, however, to me he is just too frail in his body type, too fine boned, too flat sided/ribbed and he cuts up in the rear flank. From the rear he is narrow over the rack, loin, and shallow in the twist. He is too flat in muscle type in the lower third.

Again, I placed the class 4-1-2-3 with cuts of 2-4-1 I want to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and joyous New Year. Again, thanks to Crystal for all of her hard work . The OSS continues to be a great teaching tool that we can all learn from...OG


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