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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 65-75 lbs.

Class number:  266        Class Date:  4/6/13

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: William Peters

15-18: Jakerichardson

Over 18: ptr, KCCLambs, tcpeay, tripjsheep


Official Placing: 1-4-3-2
Cuts: 1-2-2

I see this class of feeder/prospects placing 1-4-3-2 with cuts of 1-2-2.

First Place:  1

Entry number: 1012

Exhibitor: animalluv34

State: TX

Sheep name/number: Monster (1161)

Breed: Hampshire/Suffolk

Website: Esmond Club Lambs on Facebook



I think 1 is the most complete prospect in the class with the fewest negatives. From the profile the long neck is correctly placed on top of the shoulder. The depth of shoulder balances with the hip/loin juncture top of the rear flank. 1 has a long level top line that appears to slightly roach, however, I believe this is caused by the brace placement. I would like to see 1 smoother at the points, however, he is correct in rib shape and is full in the rear flank.

From the rear the wide flat rack is very evident as is the width at the loin. I would like to raise the loin edge. The hip is long and the twist is deep with width at the pins resulting in a big square hip that carries this width through the stifle. 1 stands correct on its feet and legs. Fed properly and shown correctly 1 could be competitive.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1145

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 279

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



4 is a beautiful lamb on the profile that has the most correct front of any lamb in the class. The neck is correctly placed, the points are smooth, and the top line is level as is the hip. 4 has a lot of bone and stands very correct on its feet and legs.

From the rear I see a huge wide rack, correct rib shape with adequate depth of twist. What concerns me about 4 is his width at the pins and is he appears to slightly pinch in this area. 4 also appears to be flat muscled in the lower third, stifle area, however, he can be a competitive lamb due to his superior appearance on the profile.


Third Place:  3

Entry number: 1131



3 is placed third in the class, however, the angle of the pictures do not do him justice. The 3/4 view makes him appear to be long sided, however, I cannot judge if the lamb iis smooth at the points.

From the rear 3 appears to hock on the rear legs, however, this may be due to the way he is set up. 3 does look to be wide and flat over the rack and the loin. I would like to square it at the pins, add depth to the twist and see more evidence of muscle, especially through the lower third.


Fourth Place:  2

Entry number: 1115



In placing 2 at the bottom of the class I do notice the long neck that might be off just a tad in placement. This lamb is clean at the points, tucked in the chest, has correct rib shape, however, it is also the shortest sided lamb in the class. From the rear I would call it average in width over the rack and loin and it has the least amount of muscle of any lamb in the class.

Again, I placed the class 1-4-3-2 with cuts of 1-2-2 Comments are welcomed...OG


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