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Shropshire Yearling Ewes

Class number:  271        Class Date:  5/11/13

Judge:   Vance Christie


Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Hannah Zurbrugg, William peters


Over 18: Wm, PeteM, ksjoat, john morlan


Official Placing: 2-1-4-3
Cuts: 4-2-4

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1161

Exhibitor: PeteM

State: OK

Sheep name/number: MB Maples 12-404O Miss Piggy

Breed: Shropshire

Website: www.mphclublambs.com



The #2 ewe is one that surfaces to the top of the class for her balance and completeness. She is a longer bodied, level hipped ewe that excels the class on the profile. From the rear, she appears to be the wider pinned female that is expressive in her rump and leg. She is very feminine and productive in her look, yet powerful enough in her muscle to generate some competitive wethers.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 1160

Exhibitor: PeteM

State: OK

Sheep name/number: MB Maples 12-410 Fluffy II

Breed: Shropshire

Website: www.mphclublambs.com



I really appreciate the #1 ewe in the front two thirds of her body. She is extremely good in her chest floor and shoulder, tall at the point of shoulder, and extended in her front. She balances well from chest to flank, and stands square on her feet and legs. From behind, she has adequate width in her rack and loin, and is full in her lower leg and stifle. To place higher, she needs to be a touch leveler in her rump, and wider in the pin set.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1163
Exhibitor: PeteM
State: OK
Sheep name/number: Cabaniss 12-08Y Nancy
Breed: Shropshire
Website: www.mphclublambs.com



The closest placing to me was the middle pair, and several traits can be admired in the #4 ewe. She is long necked, good bodied, and level in her topline. Feet and leg soundness is good in this one and she is more correct in her rump and pin placing than the second place female. To be more competitive with the higher placing sheep, she needs to be neater made in her depth of front, and from the rear, more muscular in her leg and stifle.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1162

Exhibitor: PeteM

State: OK

Sheep name/number: MB Maples 12-407O Aritha

Breed: Shropshire

Website: www.mphclublambs.com



The #3 yearling may be the heaviest muscled ewe in the class and for that reason, may be the choice of some. From behind, she appears to be very thick down her top, rump, and leg. She is level rumped and has good depth of body and flank. To place higher, she needs to be more extended in both body length and front 1/3. Of the four ewes in class, she is also the one that needs to be cleaned up the most in depth of chest and shoulder.


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