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Market Lambs 100-110 lbs.

Class number:  274        Class Date:  6/1/13

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: LiamC

15-18: Case710, lambboy

Over 18: woolpuller, EmsoffLambs, bmc1026


Official Placing: 1-2-4-3
Cuts: 2-5-2

First Place:  1

Entry number: 1168

Exhibitor: gonefishin1

Sheep name/number: Sheep002

Breed: Medium wool



The 1 lamb suits me as the class winner as being the best balanced and most complete sheep of the class. From the profile, he exhibits good length of body, and nice extension through his front 1/3. This particular lamb shows good expression and width down his topline, rump, and leg. To be more ideal, I would like to see him blend smoother in the hip-loin junction and be a notch deeper in his flank. Still, I feel he offers the most quality of the class.


Second Place:  2

Entry number: 1177

Exhibitor: Jakerichardson

State: CA

Sheep name/number: Ruger

Breed: Hampshire



2 is a tall fronted, long topped lamb. He is level rumped and appears to be long hindsaddled. From behind, he sets his legs wide and square and shows some volume through his leg and stifle. He comes out of his blade into a wide, square rack and carries plenty of width back to his hip. In order to place him higher, he needs to be squarer in his loin edge, wider in his pin set, and balance up more uniformly in depth from front to rear.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1193
Sheep name/number:



4 is a smooth shouldered, clean fronted lamb. He appears to be proportional from the side in terms of length and depth. From the rear, he is adequate in width of top, leg, and stifle. However, he lacks the overall expression and shape of muscle found in the top placing pair of lambs, and like the second place lamb, needs to be wider and fuller at the dock.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1192



I chose to round out the class with the 3 sheep. She is a tall fronted, level topped sheep that is the most expressive in her leg and stifle. to move up today, she needs to be shallower and neater in her front, but most importantly, be wider and squarer along the top and through the loin.


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