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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 40-49 lbs.

Class number:  289        Class Date:  9/28/13

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Dr lamb dude

15-18: Jakerichardson

Over 18: Martin12


Official Placing: 3-1-2-4
Cuts: 2-3-2

I think this class breaks into a two pair class with 3 and 1 at the top and 4 and 2 at the bottom. I placed the class 3-1-4-2 with cuts of 2-3-2.

First Place:  3

Entry number: 1226

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: 319

Breed: Hampshire X

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



I see 3 with the most potential in the class granting that 1 is longer sided, however, the most complete balanced lamb in the class with the fewest structural problems is 3. On the profile 3 gets your attention. The long neck squarely placed,the correctness at the points, the level top line, level hip, massive forearm, traits that all stand out when compared to the other lambs in the class. The chest floor is tucked just enough. The rib turn is correct and will be even more so when the lamb grows into its moderate-plus frame. The rear flank shows fullness.

From the rear the turn over the top is correct as is the design of the flat loin. 3 is wide through the pins, has depth of twist with muscle in the lower third. 3 is strong in the pasterns, correct on its feet and legs. Just a solid prospect.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 1134

Exhibitor: Sheepsnpygs

State: OH

Sheep name/number: Rog

Breed: Natural



The second place lamb, 1, profiles solid with the long squarely placed commanding attention. 1 is clean at the points, has a tucked chest floor, massive forearm. I would like to see more fullness in the rib, however, this will come as this moderate plus framed lamb matures. The rear flank shows fullness.

From the rear, the big square hip gets attention, however, the hip/loin juncture does not blend into each other as smooth as it does in 3 and that is the reason 1 places second in the class. This natural, fed and shown correctly, could be real competitive.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1246



The bottom pair, 4 and 2 have more structural problems than the top pair, however, I believe the advantage lies with 4 over 2. From the profile I would like to level the top, especially add length and level the hip of 4. The points need to be cleaned up and add a little tuck to the chest floor.

From the rear, 4 appears to have some power, especially through the lower third, and is opened up through the pins, however, I would like to add width and fullness over the rack and the loin. 4 does stand correct on its feet and legs with adequate bone.


Fourth Place:  2

Entry number: 1136



2 has the most structural problems in the class. 2 appears to be to open over the top of the shoulders, is too round at the points, slopes off the hip.

From the rear 2 does appear wide over the rack, loin, with depth of twist and muscle through the lower third. He stands correct in the pasterns with substance of bone. If this lamb has been set up like the other lambs he would probably look more competitive, however, with his rear legs pulled forward it gives him a hunched up appearance that I do not see in the three lambs placing above him.

Again, I placed the class 3-1-4-2 with cuts of 2-3-2. Llet the discussion begin. OG


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