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Yearling Ewes

Class number:  290        Class Date:  10/5/13

Judge:   Andy Turner


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Dr lamb dude

15-18: Hadley O'Hair, lambboy

Over 18: DonD1, terp22, PeteM, Martin12, LSS, Trueblue, Ladyshrops2


Official Placing: 1-4-2-3
Cuts: 4-1-3

First Place:  1

Entry number: 1128

Exhibitor: sheepherder007

State: OK

Sheep name/number: Elliot 1187

Breed: Hampshire

Website: www.coleclublambs.com



We will begin this class with the number 1 sheep. She is extremely sound, very up fronted, showing a great rib shape... square and level out her hip into her dock. Very well balanced ewe with good feet and leg with plenty of bone.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1257

Exhibitor: Shootingstar

State: TX

Sheep name/number: Repunzel

Breed: Hampshire X

Website: www.haleclublambs.weebly.com



Then second place ewe in this class will be the 4 ewe. Very nicely balanced ewe not showing quite the rib shape we find in our first ewe. The second place ewe not showing the power, levelness and squareness out the top of the hip as our class winner. This ewe is not as neat in the way the shoulder runs into her neck.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 1191



The third place ewe in this class will be the 2 ewe which is the Southdown. This is a very nicely made ewe. Extremely thick, very well balanced, really opened up in her rib and very nice out her hip. To move up in class I would like to see some more bone and foot.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1231



The fourth place ewe in class is number 3. Nice long bodied blue ewe. This ewe has a nice top with a flat hip. I would like to see her open up some hooks to pins to make her her hip a little bigger. I think she needs a little more bone and foot along with skeletal size and front to rear profile balance to be higher in class.


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