First Place: 2
Entry number: 1265
Exhibitor: Jakerichardson
State: CA |
We will begin this class with the number 2 lamb. This lamb is extremely long bodied with a great rib shape. Lamb is really good coming out the apex of his shoulder into as wide flat square loin with a big flat square hip. We find an large stifle muscle with a deep full twist. Skeletal structure is another strength as this lamb is wide based and standing on good feet and legs with ample bone.
Second Place: 3
Entry number: 1268
Exhibitor: Dpet
State: WI
name/number: 109
Lamb 3 will be the second place lamb in this class. The lamb is structurally correct on his feet and legs but I would like to see more bone. Lamb comes out of his shoulder very smoothly but does not show the volume of loin that we find in our first place. Also this lamb needs to be wider hooks to pins. We would like for this lamb to be rounder in his rib shape.
Third Place: 1
Entry number: 1200
Lamb 1 will be the third place lamb. When you side view this lamb he gets deeper and flatter in his side along with his chest plate getting lower in his body. We need to change the way his neck fits into his shoulder. As compared to the second place we need more rack shape and stifle muscle and a wider pin set to move up in class.
Fourth Place: 4
Entry number: 1269
Lamb 4 will be the fourth place. This lamb is the narrowest topped, narrowest based, lightest legged in this class. This lamb needs help in all the above areas to move up in class.