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Market Lambs 125-132 lbs.

Class number:  296        Class Date:  11/16/13

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: kade s, lamblover15

15-18: kfaulk

Over 18: KCCLambs, rollinghills


Official Placing: 2-1-4-3
Cuts: 3-3-5

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1255

Exhibitor: Jakerichardson

State: CA

Sheep name/number: Outfitter lamb

Breed: Crossbred



The #2 is the best balanced, most correctly structured wether in the class. From the profile, he balances as well as any in the class and is straighter and more correct in his topline. From the rear, he is angular in his shape of top with smooth transitions from shoulder to rack and loin to hip. To be critical of this sheep, he needs to be stouter boned and wider based.


Second Place:  1

Entry number: 1251

Exhibitor: lambboy

State: UT

Sheep name/number: Brazen

Breed: Suffolk/Hampshire



The #1 lamb appears to be the heaviest muscled sheep in the class. He looks to be a wide racked, thick rumped sheep that is somewhat heavier boned than the class winner. He is good in body length and length of hindsaddle. To be more ideal, he needs to be neater fronted, straighter topped, and more correct on his rear legs.


Third Place:  4

Entry number: 1277



The #4 lamb is a tall fronted, smooth shouldered lamb. He is good in his length and depth of body. He shows nice expression of muscle in his leg and stifle yet gives up the overall width and power of the two higher placing sheep. To move up in class, he needs to be smoother in his topline and wider down his top and rump.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1256

Exhibitor: Tyisha

State: FL

Sheep name/number: Legend

Breed: Hamp/Dorset



The #3 wether stands on good bone, width of base, and squareness. He is tall shouldered and smooth chested. To be more competitive, he needs to be leveler and more correct in his rump, and more powerful in his shape and expression of muscle.


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