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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 60-69 lbs.

Class number:  322        Class Date:  9/13/14

Judge:   Charles Seely



Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Ty Davis

15-18: Bmellum, DustyDivider, Jakerichardson

Over 18: EmsoffLambs, Trueblue, tiler, LLuscombe3


Official Placing: 4-2-3-1
Cuts: 2-4-4

In this class there is a pair of sheep that rise to the top rather easily for me. I believe both of these wethers could be a positive addition to anyone’s show string. Both 2 and 4 are wethers that bring forth the basics of skeletal width and rib shape, with a quality look from the side.

First Place:  4

Entry number: 1399

Exhibitor: texasgirl

State: TX

Sheep name/number: 4011

Breed: Medium wool



Between these two wethers, I simply prefer the added skeletal extension and balance of 4. He is a longer fronted wether whose neck attaches higher into his shoulder. He is a later maturing wether who is more elevated in his chest, and longer from flank to flank. He appears to work a bolder rib with more width through the center portion of his leg.


Second Place:  2

Entry number: 1314

Exhibitor: EmsoffLambs

State: CA

Sheep name/number: Emsoff #429

Breed: Natural

Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



The other powerfully constructed wether in the class is 2. When compared back to my class winner, he comes wider out of his dock and upper hip. He does get deeper in his chest, shorter from flank to flank, and a notch plainer as you study him from behind. However, of the remaining sheep left in the lineup he sorts himself easily into second. He is the most powerful in his build, and gives us a more classic show lamb look from the side.


Third Place:  3

Entry number: 1344
Exhibitor: 2TLivestock
State: NE
Sheep name/number: P113
Breed: Suffolk X



I leave the 3 sheep in a comfortable third. I think this is still a sheep that has some power and muscle in his own right, but it's when I study it from the side that this sheep lands in third. 3 is coarser through his shoulder, rounder out its hip, and frailer in its foot and bone work. 3 gets shorter up through its front third, and deeper hearted. I still feel 3 needs to stay in third because he simply overpowers the sheep that stands behind it today.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 1275



I round out the class with the one wether. He is a large statured, late maturing wether in his own right. However, he gets forward at his shoulder, flat through his rib, and rougher out of his hip loin junction. For me, he simply needs to be a touch more powerful and dynamic in his general build to move any higher.


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