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Ewes 5-11 months

Class number:  332        Class Date:  12/6/14

Judge:   Gail Christian


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: SheepMaster14

15-18: Thomas ellsbury

Over 18: Mickester


Official Placing: 3-4-2-1
Cuts: 5-3-1

I placed this class of ewe lambs 3-4-2-1 with cuts of 5-3-1.

First Place:  3

Entry number: 1440

Exhibitor: gonefishin1



I started the class with 3, the most complete balanced ewe in the class and the one that is most closely aligned with the industry ideal at present. She is level in her lines,has correct neck placement, clean at the points, proper chest floor depth compared to hip/loin junction to the top of the rear flank. She stands on adequate bone and all 4 or set square under the corners.

From the rear she is flat and wide over the rack, the loin, long level hipped, wide pin set, depth of twist with exceptional muscle through lower third stifle area. I know we don’t eat shag, however, shag sure helps to sell your produce and she has an abundance of it. She is just an excellent brood ewe prospect.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1444

Exhibitor: lilliannaewe

State: fl

Sheep name/number: 2829

Breed: Suffolk x



I thought 3 fell easily into the second slot being she is the closest in body type and shape to the first place ewe lamb. If she had been set up on the ground instead of a blocking stand she would have looked even more complete. This female who exhibits more Suffolk characteristics than Hamp is very similar to the first place ewe in that she profiles with straight lines, has proper neck set, clean at the points, proper chest depth, round ribbed, full flank.

From the rear she is both wide and flat over the rack and loin with width at the pins and depth to her twist. She stands a little narrow on rear legs, mainly due to the wire table she is standing on. She has good bone dimension, however, appears to be a little weak in her pasterns, again, mainly due to standing on the table. She is a solid brood ewe prospect.


Third Place:  2

Entry number: 1432



The bottom pair, 2 and 1, is the closest placing of the class. I went with 2 for third and over 1 because I believe she is a little longer sided, longer and more level hip and she shows more lower stifle than 1.

From the profile 2 is long sided, level, has correct neck placement and is extremely clean in her front. From the rear I would like to see more twist depth and see more muscle toward the hock. Bred to a structurally correct power ram she could be a productive brood ewe.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 1330



In placing 1 fourth, I grant she presents a pretty profile, however, from the rear she is too narrow over both the rack and the loin, too flat ribbed and does not have enough flank depth and lacks muscle in the lower third to move up in class. I would look for a structurally correct power ram to pair her with.

Again, I placed the class 3-4-2-1 with cuts of 5-3-1. This concludes another year of judging the Online Sheep Show for me and I look forward to 2015. I hope each of you have a great Christmas and new year. OG


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