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Prospect/Feeder Lambs 60-69 lbs

Class number:  334        Class Date:  2/14/15

Judge:   Jimmy Davis


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Brady Hopkins, Blake Hopkins

15-18: allison

Over 18: JDS


Official Placing: 2-4-1-3
Cuts: 5-3-5

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1358

Exhibitor: SnarkieArkie

State: AR

Sheep name/number: 1436

Website: www.cgfarmsclublambs.com



The #2 prospect is tall shouldered and long necked. He is the best balanced sheep in the class and offers a long, level rump. From behind, he stands wide and square, and shows good evidence of muscling.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1418

Exhibitor: 2TLivestock

State: NE

Sheep name/number: BabyG

Breed: Hamp X Suffolk



#4 most closely resembles the class winner from a design and balance standpoint. She has good extension of front and is longer bodied and leveler rumped than the third place lamb. To be more ideal, she could be squarer rumped and wider pinned.


Third Place:  1

Entry number: 1309
State: CA
Sheep name/number: 421
Breed: Hampshire X
Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com



Another tall fronted sheep stands third. #1 is proportional in depth from forerib to flank, and stands correctly on his feet and legs. To move up in placing, he needs to be longer bodied and more correct from hip to dock.


Fourth Place:  3

Entry number: 1398

Exhibitor: Texas girl

State: TX

Sheep name/number: Stormy

Breed: Southdown



The southdown ewe rounds out this prospect class as a sheep with good length of body and heaviness of bone. To place higher, she needs to be smoother in her transitions down her topline, and more correct in her feet and leg placement.


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