First Place: 2
Entry number: 1290
Exhibitor: baileysclublambsanddowns
State: OR
name/number: GP
Breed: Hampshire |
I start the class with the 2 ewe. This large outlined, stout constructed Hampshire influenced female best combines the basics of skeletal width and rib shape into a useful skeleton. I read the 2 female as being the most opened up in her foundation, and the stoutest in her pin setting. When you study her from the side, she still gives you a look of quality. Her shoulder is laid back at an appropriate angle, she stays relatively parallel in her top and underline configuration, while remaining long and level from hooks to pins. She appears to be the boldest through her forerib, and the deepest through her center body. If I change this female up, I still would like to see her more elevated through her chest floor, stouter in her foot and bone work, as well as set her rear leg down more correctly from hock to ground.
Second Place: 3
Entry number: 1435
Exhibitor: lillieannaewe
State: FL
name/number: Emerald
Breed: Suffolk X |
I follow her up with the Suffolk appearing 3 ewe. She is ultra-feminine up through her foreskeleton, and I certainly appreciate that about her. She is also a round bodied ewe who rolls out of her spine with a lot of arc and turn to her center rib and upper rib. However, when we compare her back to our class winner I read her as being deeper in her chest, harder through her center body, and drier through her flank. She also appears to be closed up more in her foundation, flatter from behind, and narrower out of her dock and upper hip. So I leave her in a competitive second.
Third Place: 4
Entry number: 1449
Exhibitor: lillieannaewe
State: FL
Sheep name/number: Caroline
Breed: Katahdin
I am still a big fan of the 4 ewe we have in third. I believe in a class of katahdin ewes, this female would be ultra-tough to get around. I like the way she is constructed from the side. Her neck comes high out of the apex of her shoulder, her top and underline are running in the same direction, and she studies level from her hook bones back. When we get her in a competition with the two that stand ahead of her today, I read her as getting coarser through her shoulder. This coarseness is only accentuated by the lack of power and shape in her ribcage. She is a shorter outlined female who also studies the frailest in her skeletal construction. So I leave her to round out my top trio of three really nice females.
Fourth Place: 1
Entry number: 1280
The ewe I round the class off with is 1. She is a moderate framed ewe who gives us an easy keeping, low maintenance look. I like the fact that she progressively deepens back from her chest floor to her rear flank. Ideally, I would like to reorganize her in her skeleton. Her neck ties in a little too low for me, and I think that’s a consequence of her being straighter through her shoulder. She is a shorter bodied ewe who gets quicker and rounder out of her hip. When we study her from behind, I find her to be the least impressive; she also wants to turn in at her hock which gives her the appearance of being the narrowest in her underpinning.