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Ewe Lambs 2-4 months

Class number:  381        Class Date:  2/28/16

Judge:   Lance Carter


 Judging Contest Winners: 

Under 15: Shee R 4 U, Cody Vogel

15-18: Ty Davis, Caitlin

Over 18: cowgirllizzy, lmartin12


Official Placing: 2-4-3-1
Cuts: 3-2-4

First Place:  2

Entry number: 1540

Exhibitor: heresheep

State: CA

Website: www.threesistersheep.com



I started with the widest based, biggest bodied and most muscular ewe lamb in the class. The 2 ewe is obviously further along in her development but she shows the most shape and expression of muscle down her topline, into her hip and through the center and lower portion of her leg. Quite simply she is the most balanced ewe lamb of the 4.


Second Place:  4

Entry number: 1621

Exhibitor: CG Farms

State: AR

Sheep name/number: CG Farms 1609

Breed: Crossbred

Website: www.cgfarmsclublambs.com



#4 I do appreciate the correctness of feet and legs and the stoutness of bone shown in the 4 ewe lamb. However, when you compare her to 2 she is not as smooth down her topline, or as opened up in her skeleton. Her muscle expression does excel the rest of the class, especially when you study her right behind the shoulders and from the side.


Third Place:  3

Entry number: 1621
Exhibitor: Lmartin12
State: OK
Sheep name/number: 18
Breed: Dorset
Website: www.martins4mranch.com



The 3 ewe lamb is very attractive from the side being long necked and possibly the roundest in her rib shape, but when I compare her to the 2 above her in class I think she is rounder in her design. She is coarser at the point of her shoulder and rounds at the hip. As I compare her to the ewe lamb that rounds out the class however, she is more correct on her feet and legs and more nicely balanced when viewed from the side.


Fourth Place:  1

Entry number: 1307



The 1 ewe lamb is obviously the greenest in terms of her condition and I can appreciate her for her smoothness of shoulder and attractiveness of front end. She is also the frailest boned and lightest muscled of the 4 sheep in the class.


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